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Registration Listing

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From the Directors

Welcome to Parkwood Volleyball! 


Registration Opens January 8th 5PM 

We are very excited to bring Girls Volleyball Back to Parkwood!!!

We will be accepting girls currently in 5th through 8th grades.  The goal of the program is to teach fundamental volleyball skills, love of the game, teamwork, and friendly competition.

Cost will be $75.00 

Coach or team requests will be considered, but are not guaranteed.

Games will begin first week of April, and will be on Friday or Sunday evenings this can change depending on number of teams.  Practices will be for 1 hour, 1 weeknight per week for each team.  Individual coaches will determine which night and time their team will practice.  

The regular season will be 6 - 8 games, with a playoff weekend falling just before Fathers Day (Subject to change depending on number of teams).  

We have limited space we expect registration to fill quickly

Please be honest regarding your daughter's skill level when filling out your registration. We use this for team seeding and player matching. 

-  Knee pads will be required for each player. 
- A volleyball for home practice is suggested.  

We are in need of coaches.  Experience is preferred, but not mandatory. 

**Proper clearances are required to coach or be an assistant coach. 

You may earn volunteer hours by helping during games.

For more information contact [email protected]