Original: 2/9/2021
First update: 3/30/2021 All red colored text is updated policy.
Second update: 5/21/2021 All green colored text is updated policy.
Third update: 10/4/2021. All blue colored text is updated policy.
- · Everyone inside the PYO facility must wear a face-mask.
All players, coaches, and spectators are no longer required to wear masks when OUTDOORS ONLY. Anyone entering the building, even just to use the bathroom, must still wear a mask.
· All players, coaches, and spectators outdoors must wear a face-mask
· Everyone at the PYO facility must practice distancing of at least 6 feet apart
· Hands should be washed with soap & water or sanitized with a sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol before and after participation
· Upon learning of an exposure*, the parent of the player must immediately contact BOTH the coach(es) AND the PYO COVID coordinator
*Exposure categories:
1. Positive test in the household
2. Direct exposure by a COVID-positive person to anyone in the household
3. Indirect exposure to a player/coach/volunteer/referee
· Player/Coach/Volunteer/Referee return to play protocol This protocol is subject to change as the CDC, State, or City officials release new policies; however, these are the MINIMUM standards that will be followed at PYO**
Any individual who has tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 3 months OR any individual who is fully vaccinated (defined as: 2 weeks after their second dose of Pfizer or Moderna vaccines or 2 weeks after their dose of Johnson & Johnson vaccine) does not need to quarantine when they meet any of the criteria listed above. However, they should still monitor for symptoms after the exposure.
o Exposure category 1: Positive COVID test by a player/coach/volunteer/referee or anyone in their household: 14 TEN (10) days from the date of the positive test; individuals that are still symptomatic after 10 days must wait an additional 3 days after symptoms resolve before returning to play
o Exposure categories 2 & 3, if completely asymptomatic: Direct or indirect exposure: Option A) Return to play after 10 days; Option B) return to play after 7-10 days with a negative COVID test provided to the COVID coordinator. This test must be taken after the 5th day post-exposure.
o Exposure categories 2 & 3, with symptoms that develop over their quarantine period: Individual is expected to get tested and will be moved into category 1 if positive.
· If intentional misinformation in reference to these COVID19 protocols is given to the club and is determined to be founded, the child/children involved will be removed from all teams/sports for that season of play and no refunds will be issued. Please help us to create a safe environment for all of our athletes, referees, volunteers, and families!
o No spectators are currently allowed in the gym
o Do not come to the PYO facility if you or any member of your household is sick or showing symptoms of COVID19, or if you have been exposed to a person with COVID-19 for the last 14 days. Players who appear to be sick will be sent home immediately
o Teams must spread out in dugouts, on benches, or when not actively playing; only team members and coaches may be in dugout/bench area
o Player contact such as high fives or handshakes will be eliminated; no spitting; no sunflower seeds
o If bringing a tent, only members of the same household may sit together under the tent
o Sharing of water bottles or food is prohibited. Everyone is instructed to bring their own drinks
o All equipment will be disinfected by coaches after practices or games are completed
o Teams shall vacate bench/dugout areas after the games without hanging around
o The dugout/bench area must be cleaned by coaches after they are done so it is clean for the next team(s) coming in. Player area will be cleaned as well. Surfaces that can be disinfected will be disinfected